Registration and Meet & Greet Day for TSWG Gathering

This afternoon on August 2, 2013 was the Registration and Meet & Greet Day for TSWG 6th Annual Gathering at Sautee Nacoochee, Georgia which is near the German tourist town of Helen, GA.
It is expected to be the largest number of TSWG members ever at a Gathering before. Hope the weather holds out, because most of the seatweaving discussions and demonstrations will be taking place outside.
Be sure to see the rare Chair Seating Exhibition, which features chairs of all types from the 1890s to the present day. All types of weaving materials and patterns on those chairs.

1st Annual Chair Seating Exhibit-2010 Tillers International
This chair seating exhibit is free and open to the public, as are the chair seat weaving demonstrations on Sunday afternoon.

Wayne Sharp presenting Spider Web caning technique-2nd Gathering Nelsonville, OH 2009
Wonder how many individual States will be represented and what the outcome of the corporate elections will be for President and Treasurer?
Stay tuned for more details and accompanying photos of this wildly anticipated annual event.