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Latest TSWG 5th Gathering Schedule Posted


“Traditional 7 Step Caning:Exploring Advanced Challenges”

Well, the 5th Annual Gathering of The SeatWeavers’ Guild®, Inc. is nearly here! Everyone is gearing up for one of the best Gatherings ever at Old World Wisconsin in Eagle, WI on August 3, 4 & 5, 2012.

Final Revised Schedule for TSWG 5th Annual Gathering

Please before traveling, be sure to print out the latest revised schedule, posted to theGathering Schedule. The biggest change has been to the location of the Meet ‘n Greet on Friday, so we don’t want you to go to the wrong place!

Rare Woven Chair Cane Seating Exhibit

TSWG attendees, be sure to bring along a woven seat chair or two for entering into our 3rd Annual Woven Chair Seat Exhibit: “Chair Seating: Over, Under, Around and Through,” which as always, is FREE and open to the public.



2011 2nd Annual Woven Chair Seat Exhibit-Noblesville, IN


2011 2nd Annual Woven Chair Seat Exhibit-Noblesville, IN

The SeatWeavers’ Guild®, Inc. T-shirts

And be sure to wear your TSWG T-shirt in pride! Oh, don’t have one yet? You’re in luck, they will be on sale at the Gathering!



TSWG Restores Lincoln Cane Rocker for Old World Wisconsin

Besides demonstrating various kinds of chair seat weaving techniques our members will also be reweaving the cane seat and back on a Lincoln rocker for the Old World Wisconsin museum.'


Very much in keeping with our mission and purpose, which is to educate the public about the craft and to perpetuate it so these techniques are not lost to future generations.

Drive safely and hope to see you all there in Eagle, WI at Old World Wisconsin. This is a public tourist attraction, so even if you are not a member attending our Gathering, you can still partake of all the fun stuff we are doing with and for the visitors!

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