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Spring issue The SeatWeavers’ Journal out soon

Stay tuned everyone our newsletter editor Bonnie Rashleigh says the Spring 2012 issue of The SeatWeavers’ Journal should be coming out soon, so watch your email box for it.

Jamie Cribbs hints & tips sharing at the 2008 Gathering

It will be filled with information about the upcoming 5th Annual Gathering and all our great members and what they’ve been up to lately. New members, new businesses, new suppliers, what else? Did you submit something to the journal and you want to see how it turned out? Hmmm, guess you’ll just have to wait a bit.

Chair Caning Demo Using Combs

You’re not a member yet and haven’t seen this great publication? Well, head on over to the Membership page and fill out the application form and mail your check to our Membership Chairperson, Suzan Diaz right away!

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