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The SeatWeavers’ Guild, Inc. Annual Membership Meeting

The date and time of the Annual Membership Meeting for The SeatWeavers’ Guild, Inc. , typically held during our Annual Gatherings on Saturday evening, will remain as originally scheduled.

The annual meeting of the corporation, which is open to all members in good standing (at no cost) will be held onSaturday, July 30th at 8:00 p.m. following the dinner/banquet.

Saturday banquet and member’s meeting will be held at the O.V. Winks Building on the grounds of the Hamilton County Fairgrounds & Exhibition Center, 2003 Pleasant Street, Noblesville, Indiana.

Along with other business matters of the corporation, will be the election of the President and Treasurer’s positions as they are up for another two-year term. Cathryn Peters will be stepping down as President after filling the position for two, two-year terms and Mical Wilmoth Carton is up for re-election for a full two-year term.

President, Cathryn Peters; Treasurer, Mical Wilmoth Carton, Secretary, Bill Brick; Vice President, Mindy King

Nominations from the floor for both seats will be taken at the meeting, or if you are interested in getting your name placed on the ballot, please contact parliamentarian, David W. Dick or any other board member.

Hope to see you all there! Happy Weaving!


President, Cathryn Peters; Treasurer, Mical Wilmoth Carton, Secretary, Bill Brick; Vice President, Mindy King

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