It's time to start this project. The seat is straight forward but is it necessary to remove the weaving frame of the back of the chair to reweave it. The weave goes into the frame where it is attached to the sides. . Guess I will start my pattern just below the top where it is inserted. Any help is appreciated. Thanks Tom
Ive just learned 7 step caning, but started the journey because I have a pair of these porch rockers. I understand the weave, but am clueless about start, finish and how to add more cane. Are there any resources out there that specifically address recanting these porch rockers?
You don't show a view from the back, but you can usually feed the cane between the outside and inside "supports" of the frame. pretty easily to duplicate the existing back. Post again if you're having any specific issues with this.
Hopefully , you charged more than normal for the back. I would imagine that’s going to take quite a bit longer since you can’t wrap around the outside, but will have to insert your warp and weavers between the rails. Show us pictures along the way. 😊