I’m working on my second hand caned chair. I’m having the same problem on step 4 that I had the first time. When I’m weaving step 4, step 1and 2 pull several millimeters apart. It’s tedious to have to push them back together all the way back to the first row as I weave each row. Is this normal or do I have an issue with my tension in steps 1& 3? They don’t seem loose, just a bit of spring. Any suggestions?
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What you describe is normal. Many of us are now using a caning "steamer" for the 3rd and 4th steps. This helps with maintaining the spacing between "pairs" as Step 4 is woven. Many of us also cane "out of order." For example, I sometimes put in steps 1 and 2 together, then step 3 (1st weave), then step 5 (1st diagonal - upper right to lower left),followed by step 4. This helps maintain the proper spacing. There are also "gadgets" you can use to help with proper spacing. Wayne Sharp's grandson, Elie, who is a genius, has created a set of "caning fingers" which aid greatly in pulling the strands of 1 and 2, and 3 and 4, together. If you take a look at the "Silver River Center for Caning" website (https://silverriverchairs.com/) you'll find lots of helpful information. Tension, per se, is not usually an issue as once all weaving steps are completed the tension has been created properly. -- Best of luck, and happy caning!