TSWG Gathering Registration Deadline Looming
4th Annual Gathering of The SeatWeavers’ Guild, Inc. July 29, 30 & 31, 2011 Hamilton County Fairgrounds & Exhibition Center O.V. Winks...
The SeatWeavers’ Guild, Inc. Annual Membership Meeting
The date and time of the Annual Membership Meeting for The SeatWeavers’ Guild, Inc. , typically held during our Annual Gatherings on...
Subscribe to The SeatWeavers’ Guild, Inc. Blog
Subscribe either through your email box or RSS feed to The SeatWeavers’ Guild, Inc. Latest News Blog so you don’t miss a single chair...
Chair Caners–4th Annual Gathering of TSWG
There’s still time to register for The SeatWeavers’ Guild, Inc. (TSWG) 4th Annual Gathering, “Over the Rails Chair Seat Weaving,” which...
Coming to TSWG 4th Annual Gathering?
All of you that are sitting on the fence and procrastinating on registering for and making your arrangements to attend the 4th Annual...
Join the Seatweaving & Chair Caning Forum!
Are you new to the profession of chair caning and seat weaving and could use some guidance and tips with projects? Or maybe you are a...
TSWG on Facebook Pages
The SeatWeavers’ Guild, Inc. is now Likeable on Facebook.com with our very own Facebook Page! Now you can Follow us on Facebook by...
TSWG Member Teacher List
We’ve just posted a list of some of our members that teach chair caning classes and other types of seat weaving classes at basketry...
TSWG Membership Renewals Due
Well folks, it’s that time of year again to renew your membership in The SeatWeavers’ Guild! Dues are to be paid by July 1st for the next...
Caning Guild Members Make News
Students put their lesson into action as they work on chairs during class at Lions Park in Cuyahoga Falls. (Paul Tople/Akron Beacon...